In some ways, Los Olivos Grocery Store is a bit of a misnomer. Far from being the typical market, the shop on West Highway 154 is stocked with a dizzying variety of gourmet foods.
“We have things that aren’t available anywhere else,” said Z Darghali, one of the four partners who took ownership of the shop in July 2010. Darghali, and partners Mitch and Mike Samaan and Issac Kahlil, have more than tripled the inventory, expanding the offerings in practically all food categories.
“We carry 80 cheeses at a time, but have access to 250, and we rotate them,” Darghali said. “We have cheeses you can’t find anywhere else locally, like Rouge et Noir.” Foodies have extolled the triple crème brie as “the cheese that beat the French.”
Other expanded offerings include pastas— Marella, De Cecco, and Cella, among others—17 local olive oils, coffees from around the world, and bread from Solvang Bakery.
“We’ve more than tripled our inventory,” said Darghali. “What we carry is based on what our customers want. Every week there are several new products, and if they’re popular, they become staples.”
As much as possible, the Los Olivos Grocery Store features local products, including wines from Valley vintners; locally brewed beers, such as Figueroa Mountain; and produce from area farms.
“We like to support local farmers, and we take whatever they have, even if it’s duplicate. If we have extra of anything, we can use it in the deli,” Darghali continued. “We also offer a wider variety of produce.”
Added Saaman, “We carry as much of that as we can because it’s the way we all support one another so everyone prospers. It creates a strong relationship with the Valley and with our customers.”
Saaman and Darghali, who came to the Santa Ynez Valley in 2003 and 2007, respectively, couldn’t imagine operating the grocery store anywhere but in the Valley. All four partners have run stores in other parts of the country (Darghali came to California from Michigan) and appreciate the friendliness and sense of community they have found here.
“It’s completely different from any other place,” said Saaman. “It’s very family-oriented, where everyone knows everyone. I can’t walk down the street in Santa Ynez and not say hello to almost everyone I see—including children. We want the store to have that cozy, family feel. Not like a franchise.”
Darghali concurs. He has traveled around the state, and describes the Santa Ynez Valley as “the most beautiful place in California.”
While Los Olivos Grocery Store carries gourmet and high-end items, the owners are quick to point out that their clientele covers a wide range of food-loving tastes.
“We want to give the customer the choice, “said Saaman. “We carry good quality mayonnaise, for example, and also high-end. We have good quality pasta, and we also have gourmet Italian pasta. We want to be able to provide the best quality products for those who desire them.”
At Los Olivos Grocery Store, you can run in for a quart of milk and a loaf of bread, Saaman noted, but the bread will likely come from Solvang Bakery. “It’s that kind of place.”
The owners are doing something right, because their customers—many of whom aren’t even local—provide a lot of repeat business. “Quite a few people have walked in wondering what the place is, and now they’ve become regulars,” said Darghali. “They go out of their way to stop in because there are a lot of things they find here that they can’t find anywhere else.”
As the inventory has expanded, so have the bakery, deli, and even the store’s hours of operation. The bakery features more pastries than before, as well as the offerings of a few additional independent bakers. In the deli, the breakfast and lunch menus have grown by more than half a dozen items each.
According to Samaan, plans are in the works to expand and renovate the store itself, nearly doubling its size. He also envisions a park adjacent to the property—complete with vine-covered arbors, fruit trees, and tables and chairs. “It will be a place where families can come and grab something to eat and just relax,” he said.
INFO: Los Olivos Grocery is located at 2621 West Highway 154, only a mile from downtown Los Olivos. 805-688-5115. Hours 5 am to 10 pm daily. losolivos@ymail.com
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