Life in the Santa Ynez Valley hums along happily, decade after decade, fueled by glorious weather, steady commerce, and equally steady people who call this paradise home. Among those who have helped to make the Valley special, Gary and Judeen Esau exemplify the concept that a person’s first duty is to forge a positive relationship with society, or as novelist Charlotte P. Gilman said, “to find your real job, and do it.”
Since 1971, Gary Esau has chosen to apply his entrepreneurial skills locally, founding successful businesses in the Valley and cashing in on creative sidelines. An idea man with formidable follow-up skills, he continues to contribute to the fiscal health (and interior décor) of this mostly rural area.
Raised in Santa Barbara, Gary experienced Valley life early, during regular rambles with fellow members of Future Farmers of America. “In high school, I used to buy steers in the Valley,” Gary says. “We’d come over as a club, hang out, and chase the 4-H girls. I finally moved here in 1969, because I wanted some elbow room. I bought a place with an acre for $37,000! Continue Reading