Flea and tick season is upon us! These tiny little creatures Mother Nature created can cause a tremendous amount of problems for both our pets and the people that live with them. In today’s society dogs and cats are members of the family and reside closely with us in our homes, sometimes even as close as in our beds.
One little bite can lead to hundreds and then a whole world of trouble. Fleas and ticks can carry many infectious diseases and parasites of their own. These can include bacterial infections, allergies and even the transmission of tapeworms and roundworms. These not only will affect our pets but potentially our families as well.
Prevention is the key to stopping these unwanted pests. There are many methods to eliminating these tiny parasites. The most effective and affordable methods are topical flea and tick treatments. These are normally applied every three to four weeks on a regular basis, depending on the pet and the environment they reside in.
As beautiful as the Santa Ynez Valley is for us and our four- legged companions, so is it for these tiny trouble makers. Our Valley is the perfect natural environment for fleas and ticks. Warm sunny days, a dry heat, and the occasional damp evening make for a great home for some of Mother Nature’s greatest parasites. Be sure to keep up with your flea and tick treatments.
Happy pets and happy hunting in the 2011 flea and tick season!
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